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SAP Leonardo - Transformation digitale avec S4IC (Partenaire SAP en Belgique)

SAP Leonardo: A Digital Transformation Model

Image de Constance Barbier

Constance Barbier

Digital Communication Specialist

What is SAP Leonardo? 

SAP Leonardo is a solution portfolio that brings together several technologies available on the SAP Cloud Platform (including APIs, microservices and integration modules) while using SAP’s HANA database or data administration system (Data Hub and Vora).

SAP Leonardo is neither a product nor a solution marketed by SAP but a concept that uses emerging technologies to support companies in their internal digitalization process.

In addition, SAP Leonardo is inspired by the iterative methodology of “Design Thinking”, which enables collaborative, creative problem solving with a human-centered approach.

Design thinking - SAP Leonardo (Transformation digitale)

In this innovation process, and following the example of the Agile method, user feedback is integrated at each stage of the project. Design Thinking saves a lot of time and leads to a high level of satisfaction. Research has shown that a product or service increases its potential for success if the customer is an integral part of the development process. This methodology is not new in itself, but the simple fact of combining it with cutting-edge technologies allows to optimize the company’s processes and data processing

What are the benefits of SAP Leonardo for your company? 

Today, the ability to automate has been refined by emerging technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI). SAP Leonardo uses these intelligent tools to mine data, detect patterns, predict outcomes, and suggest actions, all of which support better decision making. They revolutionize your processes and business model to enable you to deliver products and services faster to your customers.

SAP Leonardo is based on real-time data analysis of your business.  Running only on the new SAP S/4HANA release, SAP Leonardo helps you to:
  • Create new opportunities;
  • Automate certain tasks;
  • Increase the performance of your operational services and as a result ;
  • Be at the forefront in terms of customer service.
  • Improve performance, reduce costs and waste through prevention and automation

In short, a smart business using SAP Leonardo effectively leverages Big Data to turn it into business value. This data is processed in real time by the SAP HANA system, allowing you to achieve desired results faster and with less risk.

Emerging technologies used by SAP Leonardo

These different technologies can be used individually but for optimal results, it is strongly recommended to use them all together.

This set of interrelated technologies transforms stored data into structured and usable data. But for these technologies to work effectively within SAP and improve your business performance, three critical elements must interact:  

  • Business data;
  • The users; 
  • Business processes. 

The preparatory phase is fundamental in this process. As you can see, SAP Leonardo has been designed to meet three objectives:

  • To help companies innovate quickly and efficiently.
  • Integrate innovation into the company’s business.
  • Evolve innovations to increase their value.

But it’s also much more than that; SAP Leonardo adapts to your core business, your business needs, the challenges you face… You have to test it to understand the extent of what it can do for your company!


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