Master your SAP data in a quick and easy way

S4Faktory - The flexible solution to improve the quality of your SAP data and professionalize your reporting

Surlignement titre S4IC, partenaire SAP
Improve your SAP data management and reporting with S4IC and dFakto
  1. S4Faktory consists of SEAzam, a certified connector for extracting data from SAP, and dataFaktory, an automated data warehouse tool.
  2. The SEAzam ETL runs in the background in your SAP environment, without impacting system performance.
  3. The dataFaktory data management platform can be installed in the cloud or on-premise and is easily integrated into your IT ecosystem.
  4. S4Faktory addresses multiple business needs (reporting, MDM, data hub, AI etc.), based on your qualified and enriched data.
Schema of S4Faktory, by S4IC, SAP partner in Belgium

The robustness of SEAzam

  • Extracts and loads your SAP data on a large scale.
  • Runs in the background and does not block daily work.
  • SAP certified add-on on Private Cloud and On-Premise.

The power of dataFaktory

  • Creates a business-oriented data model (Data Vault 2.0), for numerous use cases (reporting, customer 360°, AI, etc.).
  • Historizes data, controls its quality, enrichs it and distributes it to data consumers.
  • Automates the generation of data marts and the production of pre-configured dashboards by business domain.



SEAzam + dataFaktory

  • Certified SAP Connector on Private Cloud and On-Premise

  • Automated data quality management and improvement platform

  • Catalog of ready-to-use dashboards

A saving of several million euros per year thanks to S4Faktory at one of our industrial customers!

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