Important :
- SEAzam table management only allows the download data.
- It’s impossible to upload or to change data directly in a table using SEAzam !
You can delete the old logs using program /HSEA/SZ_MONI_LOGS_DEL
The transaction /HSEA/SZ_TABLE_CUSTO lets your maintain the catalog of Table ID’s. It is a customizing step (IMG) that will require a transport.
Management of Table ID’s is the first main flow required in Web Service Optimizer. The second step is the management of files through templates.
The first screen allows you to filter on different fields.
High-SEA / S4IC doesn’t propose templates.
It’s possible to copy an existing activity by selecting one and pushing on the button copy (1), to create (2), or to suppress (3) an activity.
Let’s start !
1_ Create a new Activity.
In the Table ID, fill a name or an ID.
In the Table Name, fill the table name.
When you type on “Enter”, the system shows automatically in which language documentation is available for the selected table. You can view it directly in all available languages.
Important : Package size only work with the Application Server. Each time the application reach the defined row quantity, the program fill the file in. then it empty the application memory & continue the extraction execution => There should be no memory overflow possible and no extraction volume limitation in background.
Important : The package size isn’t working for XML and JSON format. Each time the Max size of XML or Max size of JSON (row quantity), is reached, the system create a file. They receive an incremental number.
For the Package size and Max size of XML, the system use default values if these fields are empty.
Project’s name is a help to sort the Table ID’s by projects.
Module name : Same than Project but about the SAP module.
The Short text is a free field where you can put a short description.
When you flag Active, the Table ID can be used on the other steps of the process. Pay attention to restrict the active Table ID’s to what you truly need.
2_ When your activities are created, you save them.
3_ And the system asks you to choose a customizing request.