Analyses tips

Analysis tips

Underline text - Titles S4IC, SAP partner in Belgium

It’s uneasy to share analysis experience, but we hope that the following general tips will help you starting to use SEAzam.


  • What has to be done ?
    Import => Only possible using a BAPY (function)

Transactional data => use an activity

List download => Table ID (a Table or a View) or Activity (for a Set or a Query)


  • It’s for a Web Service ?
    Only XML should be used


  • It’s huge (many lines and/or rows)
    – Asynchronous & background processing permit very huge extraction
    – Excel is limited to +/- 1 million lines) & be careful with XML B
  • It’s asynchronous and to be scheduled ?
    – Excel format cannot be used
    – Import and Export File must be stored on the SAP server.