

Underline text - Titles S4IC, SAP partner in Belgium


  • 3 default roles are provided with the SEAzam Add On :

/HSEA/SEAzam_FULL_RIGHTS : Allow all transactions. This role should not be given in Production.
/HSEA/SEAzam_CUSTO : Allow only the customizing activities. It’s not possible to execute them with this role.
/HSEA/SEAzam_EXE : Allow only to execute the activities. You can use them as it is but for more security you can copy and modify them to restrict the activities.

You can use them as it is but for more security you can copy and modify them to restrict the activities.


The classical authority check of SAP is fully operational with the SEAzam activities, but totally not with Table ID’s.

– When you install the SEAzam, you have to generate their profiles.

  • Start transaction PFCG
    1_ Select the roles

SEAzam autorizations

2_ Select tab:

Button autorizations

3_ Click on the following buttons : Button autorizations

TRANSACTION LISTSEAzam Authorization list


/HSEA/SZUA : User action for Web Service Optimizer.
Possible values :

SEAzam Authorization objects


/HSEA/SZCU : Type of Object for SEAzam Custo.
Possible values :

SEAzam autorizations

/HSEA/SZFI : file formats

Possible values :

SEAzam autorizations

/HSEA/SZAC : Name of the allowed activities.

Possible values : Activities names & Table ID’s can be maintained here.

/HSEA/SZPR : Name of the allowed projects.

Possible values : Project names can be maintained here.

/HSEA/SZMO : Name of the allowed modules.

Possible values : Modules names can be maintained here.


To add them to the SAP_ALL profile, don’t forget to run SU21