Fulfill a template

With asynchronous interfaces, the jobs outside SAP are limited :


1_ Define the folders & subfolders that will be used to manage you interfaces.


If the template list provide the function you need, you will also find a file template in the documentation. It’s an interesting accelerator to know how to fill it in to use it.


2_ If it’s an export from SAP, you will have to modify the template file to fill in the filters.


3_ If it’s import in SAP, you will have to fill the template in with the data you need to import. It means that the user know the values that SAP accept in each field. If not, you will have to document them.

With Web Services, the jobs outside SAP are :


1_ Define the Web Service in the application that will call SAP. The XML or JSON template shows the data that must be filled in. 


2_ If it’s an export from SAP, you will have to modify the template file to show how to fill in the filters.


3_ If it’s import in SAP, you will have to explain how to fill each field of the template that the developer of the sending application understand how to use the Web Service. It’s important to define the field format and to provide the possible values.

For dynamic activities, it can lead to many data export from SAP to provide the complete info to the sending application. 

The template file is what will be imported in SAP.

For Web Services, only XML and JSON format can be used.

NOTE : Pay attention that imported and exported file can have a different format.

For more information about : XML format, JSON format and Other formats.

  • In the filters (In the import section), it is possible to use dynamic filters
  • Dynamic filter are mainly base on the system date and hour. You define operation to calculate the value of some fields you use to filter your extractions. It allows to schedule recurrent interfaces that will adapt their content automatically on the dynamic filters that are defined.


NOTE : If you flagged formula when you created the template, you receive the different tags automatically, inside the fields tags you selected for dynamic filters. You can also put them manually in afterward.

SEAzam - Non SAP tasks


  • For an extraction at the Excel format, rules are the same but it’s mandatory to fill the ID column with a value. If the file contain different “postings” or different filter lines, change the value in the ID or the program will not read the line as a new one.SEAzam - Non SAP tasks - Extract Excel format

NOTE : The order of the requested field can freely be changed. The system return them in the request order.

SEAzam - Non SAP tasks - Code extract Excel format